Tuesday, December 14, 2010

The Antares Office Deli Combo Snack , Soda and Entree Vending Machines

The Planet Antares Office Delis are extremely versatile and a very popular vending machine lately. Why? They have the ability to not only vend snacks and sodas- they can also vend entrees. The entrees are not refrigerated, which is a misconception. They are actually only items like microwavable soup cups, fruit cups, Ramen noodles, Hormel box meals, etc.

The functionality of these machines is great because you can make sure there's something for every occasion. There will be the usual candy and chips, and sodas- but then you have the entrees for the users to have a full meal. They could have a Dinty Moore beef stew, some applesauce and a pastry for lunch- then later on as a snack grab a Snickers. They can get water, soda, juice, etc. as well.

It has a dollar bill validator and is capable of taking credit cards. This means that those who use the machine regularly know that if they don't happen to have that pocket change handy, they will still have choices for lunch and breakfast. No more going hungry due to lack of ready cash.

These combos normally retail for nearly 10 grand each- that's how popular they are. But you can find these combos at extremely low prices at www.USEDvending.com .

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